Fuel Sampling and Testing Workshop


Event Details

Usewoodfuel Scotland are putting on this free half day workshop on sampling and testing woodfuel.  It is designed to give self-suppliers and producer-traders registered on the Biomass Suppliers List an introduction to the correct techniques to sample and test woody biomass fuel and to ensure you have the correct procedures and documentation in place to ensure ongoing compliance with the scheme.  It is a practical workshop spent in a working woodfuel supply depot.​


9.30 am – Arrive and Introductions – site health and safety talk

9.40 am – Introduction to Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) Sustainability Criteria and Biomass Suppliers List (BSL)                      Registration and Compliance

10.40 am – Short break

10.50 am – Woodchip Sampling Techniques

11.30 am – Woodfuel Testing including bulk density, moisture content and principles of particle size

12.30 pm – Finish and depart

Booking is essential so, if you would like to reserve a place on this workshop, please contact the office on 01765 609355 or e-mail Erica at erica.spencer@ruraldevelopment.org.uk.