The Grown in Britain Standard (and its Requirements for Auditing Licence Applicants and Holders)
Event Details
The aim of this course is to provide potential applicants and auditors of the Grown in Britain Standard with an introduction to the Standard, its general requirements and the different categories of the licence and how these should be complied with and audited against the Standard.
At the end of the course, attendees should be able to:
- Know the main components of the Standard and the four key elements – UK provenance, legally felled, from sustainably managed forests and with an effective chain of custody for inputs and outputs.
- Have an understanding of forest policy and regulation in the UK.
- Have an understanding of how forests are sustainably managed, and what systems are in place to evidence this, and how they relate to the two Standards – Grown in Britain (GiB) and Grown in Britain Woodland (GiB-W).
- Understand the definitions of “legal” and “sustainable” in the context of the two Standards.
- Have an understanding of the processes involved in chain of custody for inputs and outputs.
- Know how an application can be made to the Standard and under which category – Forest, Forest Product, Supplier, Legal Only, + Recycled Content and Woodfuel.
- Know the General Requirements of the two Standards.
- Understand what is required in terms of record keeping by licence holders in order to maintain compliance with the two Standards.
- Understand the requirements of label use and branding compliance.
- Be aware of biosecurity issues and control measures and health and safety.
The full course programme is available here.
The cost of the course is £210+VAT which includes course handbook, refreshments and lunch. To book a place, please complete the Booking Form here, or contact Erica on 01765 609355 or by e-mail to