Event Booking Terms & Conditions
We aim to confirm your booking by letter or email within 5 working days of receiving your phone, fax, email or written order. If you do not receive a confirmation by letter/email together with an invoice within 10 working days, please contact us on 01765 609355.
Course fees are due on invoice and must be paid in full no less than 10 days before the first course to which the invoice refers (unless otherwise agreed). Payment methods including account details for BACS payments are provided on invoices. Please write our invoice number on the reverse of your cheque and on any other correspondence.
If you cancel a course booking 4 or more weeks prior to the course date we will offer you a full refund. If you cancel with less than 4 weeks, but less than 10 working days’ notice you will be liable for 50% of the fee and we will refund you the balance accordingly. For cancellations with less than 10 working days’ notice, no refund is available and you will remain liable for payment of the full fee.
You may transfer participants to an alternative date for the course (subject to availability) if you inform us (in writing) at least 10 working days before the original date without any additional liability. Requests for transfer which are received less than 10 working days before the course are subject to a 50% transfer fee.
There is no charge for changing the name of a participant prior to the course, but as some of our courses involve the completion of pre-course questionnaires and other preparatory work, we ask that you give us as much notice as possible of such changes.
Our courses are constantly updated and improved and we reserve the right to amend course content accordingly. RDIA also reserves the right to cancel a course at any time without liability, but will normally give at least 10 working days notice of such an eventuality. In these circumstances RDIA will offer those who have already booked the choice of a full refund, a credit note or a transfer of participants to alternative dates (subject to availability). RDIA also reserves the right to alter the course venue and the named course leader.
Joining instructions will be sent directly to your nominated participants three weeks before the scheduled event and copied to the person placing the order. These will contain details for the venue, travel information, course schedule and any other relevant details including pre-course questionnaires and instructions for any pre-course preparation.
Unless otherwise stated, courses are scheduled for a 9.30am start and a 4.30pm finish. All courses include tea/coffee breaks throughout the day and lunch.
RDIA cannot accept responsibility for the actions of any other person resulting from their reading of course materials or their interpretation of the course content. Neither can we accept responsibility for any loss incurred as a result of a person relying on course content, consultants or course materials.