Ignite: Woodfuel Production and Supply Course
25/03/2014 - 27/03/2014
Event Details
This is our original three day accredited course providing trainees with a comprehensive introduction to woodfuel production and supply. Modules covered include fuel types, energy characteristics, woodfuel resources, boiler systems, processing technology, financial analysis and economic modelling of supply chains. Using real world practical examples of woodfuel supply chain development and successful practice, this course has been instrumental in kick-starting the UK woodfuel industry.
Cost: Unfunded – £400+VAT unfunded / Funded – £160+VAT on the full cost of the course (ie £80)*
The cost of this course includes Lantra Awards registration and certification, all course material, refreshments and post course mentoring (via telephone or e-mail).
*Subject to certain Eligibility Criteria being met and an RDPE Enrolment Form being completed, 60% funding may be available against the cost of the training element of this course. Unfortunately under the terms of this funding programme, the VAT can not be included in the funded amount and is therefore payable by the trainee. The VAT is, of course, fully reclaimable if VAT registered.