Ignite – The Woodfuel Supply Chain
This three day course is the UK’s only accredited woodfuel supply chain training course and provides a comprehensive introduction to woodfuel production and essential background to the market. The three day ‘original’ course consists of four modules (Setting the Scene; The Woodfuel Resource; Woodfuel Systems; Woodfuel Technology) and includes a visit to a woodfuel installation and short written assessment. Upon successful completion of the course you will receive a Lantra Awards Technical Certificate.
To be eligible for funding through LandSkills West Midlands, you must work in the West Midlands region, be employed of self employed and spend at least 50%of your time in primary production in the forestry sector or be farmers with woodland on your holding, or gamekeepers with woodland management responsibilities.
To book, or check eligibility, please email: courses@greenwoodcentre.org.uk
Phone: 01952 435852/3 or visit the website: www.greenwoodcentre.org.uk
For a full description of the course please click here
Cost: £140 + VAT for LandSkills eligible attendees, £380 + VAT for non eligible attendees (cost includes training materials, refreshments and lunch).